Create healthy,
growth habits in relationships, life,
and your
bottom line.

Personal growth, leadership development,
and business building through coaching,
courses, and one-on-one strategy sessions


Create healthy, sustainable growth habits in relationships, life, and your bottom line.

Personal growth, leadership development,
and business building through coaching,
courses, and one-on-one strategy sessions





Striving For Your Goals and Showing Sustainable Growth Takes Hard Work

It can feel overwhelming to not have a single ounce of motivation. To struggle to make the changes you need to. I get it. But it can be done! It takes hard work, commitment, and determination.

Paul Martinelli

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Phil Robertson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Schedule A Call

People are waiting to see you bloom!

Uncover your full potential

Uncover your
full potential

It’s not about luck or being ready. It’s about action, results, and belief. You’re capable of so much more!

Uncover your full potential

Overcome fear
with action

If you aren’t taking action to make changes in your life now, chances are you never will. The time is now.

Uncover your full potential

Achieve your goals
with a smile

When you put in the work, reach those goals, and see the results you were looking for, you can’t help but smile

Schedule A Call

How This Works

1. Book A Strategy Call

The first step to working with me is booking a 30-minute strategy call to get to the root of where you need help.

2. Cultivate a Plan

Using the information we gather, we will determine goals, establish a schedule and set benchmarks.

3. See Your Growth

Commit to doing the work, determine to take the actions necessary, and reach those goals

Schedule A Call

Meet Alice

Alice is an Entrepreneurial and Leadership Coach, a real estate tycoon, business owner, and power broker. She owns the largest floral distribution center in the southeastern U.S. powered by a dream team of 200 employees that operate 13 store locations and an online floral mall with a global reach.

When she’s not traveling the world exploring growth in all things and all people, Alice is in Monroe, Louisiana with her husband, Merle (Sweet Boy) Givens, spending time with her family and friends in her house on the lake.

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Alice Givens